The Power of Enochian
This piece is a stretchy bracelet that can be worn by anyone. The magic is held in the stone, which was made from a secret set of tablets that held additional, hidden Enochian magic. This piece is amazing, read below.
In ancient times there was only one language and that was the language of Enochian, which is the language of the Will of God. For those of you who haven't been with us for an extended period of time, allow me to explain. Enochian is a language that was recorded in the journals of John Dee and his colleague, Edward Kelley. The language came to them in a dream, but it is the language that God has spoken throughout time. It is the language that the angels spoke and it is the language that was spoken until the fall of the Tower of Babel when people were made to speak different languages and they were dispersed through the world.
The Enochian language is extremely powerful and anybody who has worked with it in-depth can attest to that. Anybody who has ever had the privilege of reading the secret works of John Dee and Edward Kelley would definitely agree. We have been able to read these works exactly once. The stuff that is in those books is life-changing. I mean, somebody literally saved the world from a full-on apocalypse simply by speaking it out of existence. The plague was brought on by somebody who got their hands on some of the secret Enochian text and went haywire trying to bring down society. He was mad because somebody stole one of his pigs.
This is crazy powerful stuff and I'm not just talking about the Enochian stuff that you can research on the internet. Sure, those emit power and they can do some stuff for you. However, I'm talking about the deep-rooted stuff. I'm talking about the stuff that they kept hidden. It was written on a series of golden tablets that were kept within a secret floor of the Tower of Bable and it was "lost" when the tower was decimated. I use the term "lost" very liberally to describe the fact that somebody has taken the tablets and they have been hidden from human eyes for all of the time. Why? Because the language is very powerful and can have some very serious results.
So, what are we offering? We are offering a piece that holds a limited version of the Enochian language but is more powerful than the standard Enochian that you can learn on the internet or someplace else. This power has been extracted from the golden tablets. By limited, I mean that this piece will not allow you to affect the course of time or change the destiny of existence. It will however allow you to speak to and command angels. It will allow you to speak miracles into existence. It will allow you to speak your own white light powers and abilities into existence. It will give you authority over entities and it will allow you to rebuke demons and send them back to Hell. It will give you the ability to summon forth the dead saints that live in Heaven and to guide the powers of the crystal pyramid in Heaven. This piece gives you a lot of power, but it stops short of allowing you to actually use it the way God did and that is because only God knows what is best.
I know that somebody is going to ask where I got this piece, how did I get it, etc. I've told you where the power as come from. The truth is that I cannot tell you how I got it or from whom. Last time somebody got an itch to find the true Enochian language a 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews died i a Holocaust. We're not trying to have that happen again, so we cannot divulge any information. Just know that when you have this piece you will be shielded from other people ever knowing that you have the magic. This piece is very powerful and should be treated as such.