The Preta's Appetites for Bad Karma

The Preta's Appetites for Bad Karma

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece summons an entity called the Preta.  Under normal circumstances the Preta is a miserable creature.  This is because due to poor Karma in their human life, these spirits have been given an insatiable appetite for unusual things such as cadavers, feces, or human blood.  I can imagine that I'd be pretty miserable myself if had to eat disgusting things for the rest of life, being that all I do is sit in diners all day.  Hey, somebody has to love food, it might as well be me, right?  
Either way, this piece summons the spirit of a Preta.  We have worked on it for some times and have manipulated the spirit as such-- when using this piece, the Preta will be given an insatiable appetite for your bad karma.  It will eat all of the bad karma out of your life, leaving only the good.  The Preta has agreed to be summoned into this piece because it doesn't want anybody else to end up with its fortune; and let's face it, bad karma probably taste better that poo.  

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