The Queen Grants Discernment

The Queen Grants Discernment

Regular price $ 38.00
The rose is the "Queen of All Flowers" and as such is inclusive of many different powers including the raising of divinatory energies of a person's mind. This piece is a continuation of that power in such a way that embody the powers of the rose to give the person who wears it the gift of discernment. Simply stated, this means that when you look a person in the eye you will be able to tell their true intentions 100% of the time. There is no guesswork.

The first way you could use this piece is when encountering new people. Say you have a child. Say you also have a job, because that's what people are supposed to do-- work. You need somebody to watch that child. You interview a babysitter while wearing this piece. You will be given a psychic sense that will tell you whether or not this would be a good fit. Of course, that's just one example. You can use this piece when dating. You can use this piece when making business arrangements, to know if what you are doing will bring you wealth in gains or not. You can use this piece with friends you already have. For instance, if you have a friend that low-key thinks they are better than you, but you they always say that they love you to your face, you can use this piece to spot the difference. Your discernment will kick in and you will be able to know that their smiles are fake and that you'd be better off without them. How you react is your decisions, but this piece will give you the psychic ability to know better-- about all things in your life.

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