The Rejuvenation & Vitality of Flesh and Soul
This is Sterling silver and Amethyst. The stones are good size.
This piece was cast and created by a member of the white temple. He’s a good friend of mine that keeps trying to get me to join but I just don’t have that kind of time. Whenever he creates something he lets me know if it’s for me or to pass and move.
This real gemstone necklace is made to rejuvenate your body and soul and give vitality to organs and spirit. I have him making me another one for a man I know right now. This one can be used by anyone but being purple it’s to me more for a woman. God, I hope the PC police don’t come for me but it’s just how it looks to me.
The temple takes things seriously and they work on things like Christ consciousness, Astral healing, immortality and many other things. This piece was made to get both your soul and body ready to be able to meet with adepts and move to a higher enlightenment. You don’t have to use it for that and some don’t. Many people use it to clear up blockages, open up the 3rd eye or just be more receptive to the spirit world. All these things you can do with this piece by simply wearing it. If you are looking for a higher use of power you can but I suggest you clear up blocks first. You use this for that. After doing that you can use it to open up the third eye and so on but one thing at a time. Becoming a full theta is a very methodical process. You don’t want to rush it.
To get started in opening your spirit fully and removing blockages, adjusting chakras, wear this on and off for two weeks.