The Rite of Adoption and the Holy Trine

The Rite of Adoption and the Holy Trine

Regular price $ 67.00
The magic in this piece has come to us by the hands of French soothsayer named Normandi. She is part of a coven of witches that lives in the French Pyrenees. I know that it is 2019, but you should probably try telling them that. They still live pretty primitively and they practice a type of magic called the Old Way. They are intriguing to say the very least, but we weren't on our investigation to see them. That changed at the drop of hate when Normadi insisted that she saw me in a dream and the spirit who show me to her demanded that she find me as soon as possible.

The spirit that wanted to get in contact with me was that of the Grand Mistress of France. This is a woman that was initiated through a specially crafted three degree Rite of Adoption program by the Grand Orient Lodge of France. The Duchess of Bourbon was adopted by the Grand Orient and that is the first time a woman has even become initiated into the Freemason.

The message from the Grand Mistress was spoken to me through Normandi, who explained to me that there was a power that she wanted to pass on to me and that the power of the sacred Trine. This power of the Sacred Trine went through Normai and was set into this piece.

Now, after careful inspection and use of the piece, we have decided that it is time to pass this piece onto somebody else. Sorry fellas, but this piece is for the ladies. I mean, you could wear them in your ears if you wanted to, but they are women earrings. When worn, they spark the passing of the Three Rites of Adoption and the gift of the Hoy Trine.
The power of the Holy Trine is esoteric magic that brings about the three powers of the Holy Spirit. These are the power of the Holy Flame, the Holy Union, and the power of Divine Wealth. The power of the Holy Flame gives you baptism by fire through which you will gain all the knowledge of the Tree of Life and the Book of Names. The power of the Holy Union which give you a spiritual connection to the Holy Trinity to be able to communicate with them at a moments notice. Divine wealth is pretty much self-explannatory. Just kow that this is the kind wealth that has given Heaven golden streets.

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