This description will be short. Some items just don't need a lot to be said for them and this is one of them. This bell is the astral bell of the world of Djinn. You only need to ring it. There is only one of these and this is a very, very rare piece! This comes from the otherside and yet is made of Earthly matierial so it may travel here. This came from a hidden sect of which no one would belive but in another listing you will learn so much more about Tesla that you never dreamed of! You are already thinking Tesla and Djinn? WTF, seriously? Yes I am very serious! Have you ever heard of Wardenclyff tower? You soon will but for now let me tell you all about this and again, not much to tell.
This very rare bell is the only caller of ALL the djinn of EVERY TYPE! You become the creator, the God and the be all of the most magestic djinn to ever exist. One ring,they answer to ONE ring! You then will speak out loud who stays and who goes. You command them to do as you desire and when you desire it. There is no asking, no pleading and no gifts giving on your end. You are the commander! Now lets get to it, I know I have!