Regular price $ 333.77

The Compass Brothers were a secret society that thrived from the Early 1400's to the almost 1800. This society was a magical one that used part of the knowledge of the Kabbalistic teachings. They believed there was a lot more to magic then what was known at the time and went in search of it. The main goal was to gain a lot of wealth through seeking ancient and even invisible treasure. They were big into the crystal pyramid and the energy that could be held in objects. They often used real Amber and Pyramid shapes to hold energy and magic they placed inside of the vessels.

When I'm talking about treasure I'm not just talking about things of wealth but wealth places and places of magical power. From what I understand when the society broke up fully to anyones knowledge it was for a good reason. That is the part that took so much research and looking into. What I found out was that the hidden levels in the underground that Berenger Sauniere located were also located by one man in the Compass Brothers.

We have been lead to believe that what was hidden was nothing but pure gold and other treasures of wealth. This was not entirely true which everyone should have figured out by now. If it was just wealth it would have been taken and then everyone could see where it was found. That never happened yet Berenger did become wealthy beyond belief! The Catholic church wanted all that wealth and tried with all their might to get it. The problem was is that it wasn't about that and the true location was only revealed to his long time secretary. That was until some serious digging was done and digging is just what had to happen.

The hidden tunnels in the are were not just about wealth but about magical wealth! In the 1400's items were stored there that held extreme power from what they were and to what they could gain by being in the area. The question remains of what was in those tunnels. We know that inside the church a a solider was buried beneath the floor. This solider was to be one of the Knights Templars and he was but he also roamed the tunnels of the underground and before death had become a magician of that time. Of course that was the best time. Even though this is all true he didn't have much to do with the magic or the supernatural at all. He was what he was but what he found was much more important and what he told Berenger was the ultimate.

The Knights Templar after death was able to roam those tunnels and in his state of spirit located those unimaginable things that are unseen to the human eye. With his new knowledge THIS is what he passed to Berenger, it was not all about wealth. Sure somethings brought him wealth but it wasn't the main thing. Obviously it brought millions and by today standards it would be billions. 

What he located was so much more important. This Knights Templar speaks and talks to those who seek him. He gives the secrets that you ask about and even if you don't he is a talker. I met with him and saw the things that only someone on the other side can show you or rather allow you to see. He will never tell you the secrets of Heaven and Hell or anything about God as he is not allowed to. This is not the first spirit to tell me this. I guess even in death there are rules. I am going to do a write on the dead and what they can do and how to find yourself a real medium. There are certain things that no matter what the medium says they should be able to do. I might place it in another listing. I have been a medium since birth and I DO KNOW! If I can't tell you something only you and your dead loved one would know then I am a fake. Yes that is a bold claim but that is just how it is. The dead will also tell me something I couldn't possibly know and it will be detailed! This is so you BELIEVE what I'm telling you. They want those messages heard and listened to. So there is your guide to real mediums. It is just that simple. I know what I'm talking about as I live it.

Getting back to this. What I'm selling here are two pieces. One is a real piece of Amber. You can tell it is real by the way it looks and it is thousands of years old. This piece holds all the items that are located in the tunnels. This means the wealth, the hidden pyramids, the essence of Christ and all the magic of the Templars. You also will have the magic of invisability because it was needed when the Catholics came through. Where did this come from? I don't know but it must have been important. You will also be able to see the real stations of the Cross. Why would you need to? Well just you wait and see because that is a life changing moment and why I believe the Templars were who they were. This ancient secret is worth so much more then gold. Trust me, it really is. Even if you think you don't want this you actually do. So two pieces are going up, one in sterling that was made from the original Amber piece. The original is also going up. You take your pick and you will be begin a heavenly and supernatural  path that will lead you to never wonder again why we have this evil thing called the illuminati. Get ready for the ride!

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