This is a ring that is metal and it is not adjustable but you can wear it on a chain if you want to. You don't have to wear it at all. You can just pick it up when you want to use it. This is a revenge piece that is very, very, very powerful! I have no idea what type of spirit it is but it will protect you and cause insanity to those who are attacking you. You should only use this if it is really needed. This is one of the items that you would use with caution. It won't hurt you and it doesn't come with Karma as long as you are using BECAUSE someone did something bad or wrong to you.
To use it you would hold the piece and tell the "dark scream" what went on and that you want the person eliminated. Yes this piece was tested on a evil being that no longer bothers who they were after.
Because this is a entity I only have one,