The Talking Buddha Head Will Give You the Answers

The Talking Buddha Head Will Give You the Answers

Regular price $ 38.00


When you wear this piece you will see a talking buddha head.  No, you are not hallucinating.  It is psychic awareness that is given to you, but only when you wear this piece.  This buddha head will appear to you and will speak wisdom and advice to you.  You can ask it any question and it will have the answer.  If there is something crucial coming up and you don't know what decision to make, the buddha will answer you.  If you want to know whether or not you are making a good financial investment, the talking buddha head will give you the answer.  If you want to know whether your S.O. is cheating on you, the talking buddha will give you the answer.  If you want to know how to create magic, the talking buddha head will give you the answer.  See the underlying theme here?  The talking buddha head will give you the answer.  Nobody else will be able to see or hear your talking buddha head but you.  This is because he imparts his knowledge nad answers through telepathic vibes.  

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