The Universal Crystal Eye in the Sky, Youtube
The Universal Crystal Eye in the Sky, Youtube

The Universal Crystal Eye in the Sky, Youtube

Regular price $ 5,000.00
Okay, so this piece is EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY powerful.  This piece is the crystal eye in the sky, in other words, it is God's 3rd Eye Chakra.  It is a direct reflection of the Crystal pyramid and holds ALL of God's knowledge and magic, but also his innermost, deepest thoughts.  Having this piece will allow you to know these thoughts, it will allow you to create magic the same way he does.  It will allow you to see all things from across all of time.  It gives you a God Mind Awakening that allows you to have the 3rd of God.  There is no much more that can be said about this piece, but you should really check it out on Youtube, where you can get full details of what it will do for you.  Here's the link:

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