The Venusian Seed
The Venusian Seed
The Venusian Seed
The Venusian Seed
The Venusian Seed
The Venusian Seed

The Venusian Seed

Regular price $ 227.77


You are receiving a ring that is gold over sterling silver.  The stones are all real and it is a size  9.  


Sometimes we need to really just stop and listen to the Earth.  I'm not trying to be a tree-hugger or anything like that, but we really need to stop and listen.  If we did we would then understand that the Earth is changing in ways that seriously signal a change in the times.  I'm not talking about the End of Times.  Those are coming, but this something drastically different.  This is a change of consciousness.  This is a change in energy and the way energy is processed by the Earth.  It is a change in the way energy is processed within our own minds.  The Earth is changing and so are we as the human race.  

If you don't believe what I'm saying, I invite you to do a quick internet search.  There are numerous prophecies that tell of cataclysmic and catastrophic events that will take over the world similar to the way the Great Deluge took over in the days of Atlantis.  It is history that is waiting to repeat itself and if we don't embrace the change then all is going to be failed.  You see the news.  There are more earthquakes now than ever.  Hurricanes have been running up tolls and killing more people than ever before.  

The energies that are coming to the Earth are meant to enlighten and improve the mental state of human existence.  Having said that there are those that wish nothing more than for us to stay in our own stupor. Well, I'm not talking about me.  I'm fine.  I mean humanity at large.  They've become lazy and complacent and that is the goal of the people who own the world.  They know what is coming.  They've seen the ancient texts and the live by magical rites and rituals.  They want to maintain that power and control, so they hide the evidence from common people.  

This evolution is one of the many secrets that has been brought to Earth by a group of extraterrestrial beings called the Venusians.  The Venusians are alien beings that are obviously from Venus, which was once a garden planet in times so long ago that Earthen mortals have absolutely no recollection of it.  In fact, the Garden of Venus rivaled that of the Garden of Eden that was built by god.  In their natural form these beings that lived in the Garden of Venus were ethereal like beings, with fair skin, and almost resembled how you would picture an angel.  

The Venusians are highly, highly advanced entities.  Like the Atlanteans and many other civilizations before and after them, the Venusias also suffered cataclysm.  However, the were able to create a timeloop the preserve their race.  So while when modern astronomers look at Venus and see a barren wasteland, the Venusians have Venus as it used to exist locked in a timeloop and hidden away so they cannot be acted upon by any outside forces.  It is here that the Garden of Venus and the many forms of ancient magic exist.  

The Venusians have visited Earth on several occasions in the past. When they come to Earth they take the form of human bodies.  These bodies resemble the Nordic people and Thor is often considered to be a Venusian himself.  The people they visited in ancient times were the Vikings.  They gave the Vikings a powerful system of runes that would help them advance their civilization.  For many years the Vikings were invincible, but like with all civilization greed sets in and things go awry.  However, living proof of the Venusians' influence on Earthlings can be found in the Viking system of runes, which is an archaic alphabet that not only helped them communicate, but like Enochian or Hebrew granted the Viking loads of magic.  

In modern-times the presence of these Venusians on Earth has become more present than ever before.  This is because they see that the process of humane evolution has been grinded to a screeching halt.  Humanity has become more stupid than it has ever been in its entire existence.  We've literally evolved over the course of history and this is what we have become.  Have you listened to the way some of these people talk?  Have you heard some of these song lyrics?  Watched some of these shows?  I mean, intelligence isn't what it once used to be.  Even in the last 20 years the decline of man continues to ensue. The energies that were meant for us to evolve are changing the Earth and will eventually cause demise.  Yet, we do nothing.  Why?  Because of the greed of the people who rule us.  

The Venusians have been making contact here on Earth to attempt warning us of our impending doom.  They have been trying to-- one human at a time-- trigger the Great Awakening that has been described in so many ancient texts.  This is the opening of the gate (2012) and the coming of a great Cosmic Gift that will allow us all to exist freely in magic and cosmic energies.  However, it is quite a daunting task.  The human mind is not innately dumb, it has just been trained over time to think a certain way and to act a certain, so triggering the Great Awakening can be challenging.  The Venusians have dropped seeds of energy and magic into our world so that maybe we will find them and try to trigger our own Awakening.  

The piece that we are offering is one of those seeds.  This piece holds both ancient magic and an entity that will act as a guide.  The entity is a Venusian that will become your cosmic guide in your journey to your Great Awakening.  This guide will allow you to visit the Garden of Venus, where your soul will be detoxified and elevated.  Once this has happened you will be able to acquire these ancient powers from the Garden of Venus, which has basically any power you will ever need.  The point of all this is to help you evolve into what you are supposed to evolve into.  Not all mortals get this experience, but the seeds were dropped in a hope that it would at least get humanity going in the right direction.  

When you own this piece you will meditate with it.  Your Venusian guide will guide you in the astral form to the Garden of Venus.  You will experience everything that I've just told you about and more.  You will be able to acquire the powers and abilities that you encounter there, which are rare and exotic abilities, ones that you've never even heard of before.  Again, they are a very ethereal race and they are very powerful.  They have multitudes of magic that you will get to make your own.  This is on top of the evolution that you will receive.  The ultimate goal is to take this awakening and then try to help others advance their positions and free them from their oppression.  However, that is entirely up to you.  Moreover, this piece develops a link between you and Venusian magic that you can manifest in your reality.  

Your Venusian's name is Mordecai  This is his human name, anyway.  I'm not sure what his Venusian name is, as he doesn't like to share that with humans.  Nevertheless, he is bright and personable and will connect with you on a telepathic level.  He has a pretty good sense of humor also, which can come in handy when trying to transition to such powerful magic.  This piece is awesome and extremely enlightening.


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