The Winged Sphinx
Regular price
$ 250.00
If you are into Egyptian magic, then this is the piece for you. We offer a lot of Egyptian pieces, but this one is one of the most powerful that I have experienced in a long time. If I had to rank it in terms of the best Egyptian magical items that I've ever come across, this piece would definitely make the top five. This is not only because this piece is extremely powerful, but also because this piece is very easy and very fun to use. If I'm being completely honest, we would not have even known about this piece if it weren't for Raviniska. She found it in a dimension that is parallel to our own. It seems that pyramids and sphinxes weren't the only things that Khafre was busy building when he was Pharaoh. He also built a system of realities and dimensional rifts in which he hid and stored some of the most amazing powers that you will ever experience. I haven't seen all of these myself. I'm going based off of what Raviniska told, but judging from the realm that she took us too, I'd have to gather that the other places created by Khufu are pretty powerful.
In ancient times Khafre hid a tablet in one of his created realities. It was a chiseled emerald tablet. The message that was carved into the tablet was an ancient summoning spell for a creature known as the winged sphinx. It was only recently that the tablet was taken out of the realm where Khafre hid it and brought back into the mortal world. The power of this tablet was set into the relic that we are offering you. Apparently, the powers were used to summon some not so kosher entities and forms of magic, so a coalition of white light entities, Raviniska included, put this piece back into the reality where it belonged and set a spell upon it so that way the relic that was created from the original tablet couldn't be taken out again without a special set of circumstances. The tablets are no more, in case you were wondering. It's only the relic. The relic could not be taken out of its reality without the presence of a mortal and an immortal and a chant that the immortal had to say. SO, Deedee and Raviniska ended up taking the relic back out of the reality that it was placed in. The only reason this occurred is that Raviniska heard a rumor that somebody with a less than stellar reputation was planning on double-crossing the white light coalition that placed the relic there in the first place.
SO, we have this relic. We are only going to sell this piece to a person that we know is going to take care of it and use it the way it is meant to be used. The creature that is attached to this piece is called the winged Sphinx. The Winged Sphinx is exactly like it's earthen counterpart without the wings. This means that a winged sphinx has the ability to fly throughout the universe, perching itself on any planet it chooses to take refuge. Much like the Sphinx on Earth, the Winged Sphinx also contains wisdom, but this is the wisdom of the Universe and not just Earth or the Egyptians. They have a much broader spectrum of wisdom because they have flown throughout the universe to the many galaxies and the faraway planets where there are other forms of life. As you can imagine there isn't much that Sphinx doesn't know; and when it doesn't know something it has the ability to hone in on the power that it is searching for and guide itself to the power like a homing missile. It's pretty incredible actually.
So what does this have to do with you? As I've said, we are offering this piece for sale. To use this piece, you will place a cone of incense on the relic. You will state out loud what it is you want in terms of powers, magic, abilities, or spell casting. The incense will wake up the winged sphinx. It will then fly through the universe and the realms to find what you have asked for. If it already knows the magic then it will just give it to you, but it may have to travel somewhere in the universe. So, you can go ahead and ask for whatever you want. The Winged Sphinx holds either the powers or the knowledge to be able to get you what you want-- power, magic, knowledge, whatever. It is the embodiment of knowledge and power.
In ancient times Khafre hid a tablet in one of his created realities. It was a chiseled emerald tablet. The message that was carved into the tablet was an ancient summoning spell for a creature known as the winged sphinx. It was only recently that the tablet was taken out of the realm where Khafre hid it and brought back into the mortal world. The power of this tablet was set into the relic that we are offering you. Apparently, the powers were used to summon some not so kosher entities and forms of magic, so a coalition of white light entities, Raviniska included, put this piece back into the reality where it belonged and set a spell upon it so that way the relic that was created from the original tablet couldn't be taken out again without a special set of circumstances. The tablets are no more, in case you were wondering. It's only the relic. The relic could not be taken out of its reality without the presence of a mortal and an immortal and a chant that the immortal had to say. SO, Deedee and Raviniska ended up taking the relic back out of the reality that it was placed in. The only reason this occurred is that Raviniska heard a rumor that somebody with a less than stellar reputation was planning on double-crossing the white light coalition that placed the relic there in the first place.
SO, we have this relic. We are only going to sell this piece to a person that we know is going to take care of it and use it the way it is meant to be used. The creature that is attached to this piece is called the winged Sphinx. The Winged Sphinx is exactly like it's earthen counterpart without the wings. This means that a winged sphinx has the ability to fly throughout the universe, perching itself on any planet it chooses to take refuge. Much like the Sphinx on Earth, the Winged Sphinx also contains wisdom, but this is the wisdom of the Universe and not just Earth or the Egyptians. They have a much broader spectrum of wisdom because they have flown throughout the universe to the many galaxies and the faraway planets where there are other forms of life. As you can imagine there isn't much that Sphinx doesn't know; and when it doesn't know something it has the ability to hone in on the power that it is searching for and guide itself to the power like a homing missile. It's pretty incredible actually.
So what does this have to do with you? As I've said, we are offering this piece for sale. To use this piece, you will place a cone of incense on the relic. You will state out loud what it is you want in terms of powers, magic, abilities, or spell casting. The incense will wake up the winged sphinx. It will then fly through the universe and the realms to find what you have asked for. If it already knows the magic then it will just give it to you, but it may have to travel somewhere in the universe. So, you can go ahead and ask for whatever you want. The Winged Sphinx holds either the powers or the knowledge to be able to get you what you want-- power, magic, knowledge, whatever. It is the embodiment of knowledge and power.