Theatre of Hell : Dr. Lung's Complete Guide to Torture;
Corner of front cover creased from damage during shipping. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 197 p. Contains: Illustrations. Audience: General/trade. Theatre of Hell: Dr. Lung's Complete Guide to Torture is a timely book for troubled times. It takes us where we don't want to go, makes us look at what we don't want to look at yet somehow can't look away from! We'd all like to wish that torture didn't exist in today's enlightened world. We don't like to hear bad news. Just like we don't want to hear how our church, no matter which church or religion that might be, was responsible for centuries of torture. More importantly, TODAY there are those who don't want us looking too closely at the blood on their hands our own foreign allies, our own security forces. This book bars none. Dr. Haha Lung doesn't play favorites. He describes techniques and names names. Like a 20 car pile-up, you won't be able to look away, even in the face of overwhelming research that proves you too are capable of torturing your fellow human beings. Seldom is a book published that dares to challenge conventional thought, especially in such an entertaining, lucidly written way. Theatre of Hell is a beautiful book about the ugliest of subjects. Be you soldier or tourist in a foreign land-even a foreign land where you believe yourself surrounded by allies, you owe it to yourself and your loved one to study this book both in self-defense and for those times when you yourself may be called upon to tighten the screws and increase the voltage in order to prevent the next September 11th. Could you do it? Would you do it? Don't answer, (if you can) before reading this book.Theatre Of Hell explores and reveals the routine, systematic torture carried on by supposedly civilized countries, cataloging over 100 countries where legal 'judicial' tortures ranging from amputation and caning to beheading, and surveying state-sanctioned punishments for offenses. common view is that torture is used by uncivilized nations or that torture has long been abolished: Theatre Of Hell shows otherwise.