Thomas Aquinas' Secret Alchemy Garden
I was at the doctor earlier when the nurse told me not to be a doubting Thomas and it reminded me that we still have this piece and that we haven't listed it yet. It isn't a well-known fact that Thomas Aquinas had a secret alchemy garden where he would grow all kinds of plants and herbs that he would use in his magical rituals. Every time he discovered the powers of a new plant, he'd record it in a little book that he kept that was bound in real human leather. He kept this book until his death, but nobody seems to know where the book got to. Moreover, nobody seems to be able to locate this secret alchemy garden. Some say it was attached to his soul and when Thomas withered away and his mortal body died, so did the garden. Others say that Thomas created a split plane for the garden to exist it, so he could tend to it in his spirit form, while it could still exist secretly in the mortal realms, somewhere behind a spiritual veil.
Whatever the case may be, this piece has pulled powers from this garden, which really has me leaning toward the second option, because this piece isn't old enough to have gained the powers when Thomas was still alive. Either way, this piece contains many of his powers that he gained from naturally occurring sources of energy such as plants, trees, the Earth, and even rocks. It holds powers such as white light healing, angelic awakening to be able to see angels, white light spell casting, the ability to summon spirits and raise the dead, the ability to go into trance-like spirit journies, the ability to grant wealth, the ability to call upon true love, the ability to hypnotize the minds of others and many more. You will discover them more and more as you work with this piece. Thomas is one of the most famous alchemists to live on Earth, so I'm sure you can appreciate that this piece is pretty powerful.