Two Hearts, One Love

Two Hearts, One Love

Regular price $ 38.00
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It is well-known that to love and be loved is a basic human need. While you most likely have the love of your closest family and friends, it just doesn't measure the same as having that intimate type of love that you experience when having a romantic mate. Love is an energy and a power that is totally capable of setting you free, clearing you of anxiety and depression, and helping to motivate you to live a long, healthy life. That is one of the reasons why we sell so many love items. We believe that we can help people who need to be helped by providing them with the love that they deserve first, this way they are less prone to psychological blocks and other consequences of not experiencing that type of bonding.

I think we can all agree that loving someone and not feeling that love in return can be one of the most painful feelings in the world. That is why we have made this piece. We call it Two Hearts, One Love. It holds a love spell that will automatically be cast on your behalf when you wear it. The only thing you have to do is visualize who you want it to be cast upon when you are wearing the piece. See their face inside of your thoughts, even call out their name a few times if you want to. This will help the piece track down and attach the love energies to the other person. It will create a love imprint on their heart, soul, and mind that will lead them straight to you!!

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