This piece while easy to use is super magical! You will need to polish it but if you ask Lindy real nice she will most likely do it for you. I just didn't have time. This is sterling silver with a art glass heart. BUT let me tell you how this was made and I love how it was done!
Okay so everything on this one has a meaning. Silver wedding aniversary, two swirls, green for wealth, two sides of the heart etc.
So how this was made is very interesting. We hope to get more but for right now this is the only one we have. This lady known as Madam Marshan, not sure if that is her real name but she does know what she is doing. She has a unique power of breath in which she makes glass and when blowing it places the magic into the pieces. This one does love and wealth. Love in anyway you need it and wealth as you need it. She feels they are the two things everyone needs and so she makes these pieces. We have tested them as we have our own and we are keeping them and they sure do work! It is really cool how she blows glass and creates magic with each piece. I do have other pieces that do other things and I'm hoping to hear from her tonight to see if I can get some more. I really like the stuff! It works!