Voodoo Dancing Queen of Wealth
If you thought that the North American had an embargo on Voodoo, you would have thought wrong. After all, it is Africa from whence Voodoo came. This piece is Italian made, which is just a hop, skip, and a jump across the Mediterranean from the "Boot". There is plenty of Voodoo there to go around-- trust me on that one.
This piece is called the Dancing Queen because that is what she does. She is limber to move when you wear her and she carries a handbag that holds unlimited wealth. You will wear this piece and when you move she will also move. This is her dance. Her dance is pleasing to gods who not only grant the Dancing Queen wealth but the person who owns her. In this case, that would be you. You don't have to wear this piece all the time, but the more you wear the more wealth will make it to your life. This wealth comes in many different forms through any areas of your life.