Wealth and Protection and Passion Oh My, Youtube

Wealth and Protection and Passion Oh My, Youtube

Regular price $ 100.00
So here's the thing. It has taken us a while to get this one on simply because Deedee is highly drawn to it. We are hoping that we can find someone who is as drawn to it as she is, because it is super powerful. At on point, this piece belonged to a woman who is super powerful in supernatural magic. She is a sorceress but does not do anything dark. She wore this piece for its abilities which are wealth, passion, and protection. You will wear this piece and say which of these things that you want and the powers will come to you.

Now, with these three powers, the wealth and protection are self-explanatory. The passion part is the power that will help you exceed in any area of your life that you need a spark of passion. It will create a passion for your career, your artwork, family life, etc. Basically, anything that you want to see come true in your life, this piece will give the passion to achieve it! Check out the full story on Youtube: https://youtu.be/RSACxVN1Io8

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