Wealth Spells Galore

Wealth Spells Galore

Regular price $ 55.00


Celtic Wealth Spells.  Egyptian Wealth Spells.  Holy Wealth Spells.  Wealth blessings from Molech.  These are just a few of the different types of wealth that are waiting for you in this piece.  In fact, this piece is made up of a TON of little turquoise balls and each of them holds a different type of wealth spell.  It was created by a Moroccan sorcerer named Annas.  He's not ancient, but as you can see he is very powerful.  No, I'm not going to go down the list of every single wealth spell that this piece incorporates because that would take for ever.  Just know that when you wear this piece you will have dozens of wealth spells working for you.  This will steadily increase your income and with that comes an easier life and happiness.

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