What does the hangman's noose and Devils Dreck have to do with what is going on today? The hangman's noose has recently been in the news by a certain half-wit celebrity who wanted to accuse Trump supporters of being racist and trying to hurt him. I like to refer to him as glitter balls but you can call him what you want. If we are not dealing with a basket of glitter balls then we are dealing with the darkness that is so close to your home it is getting quite scary.
The hangman's noose is used in Satanic rituals, many rituals that employee a result of evil on a mass level. Many people don't know this but if you study you will find it is true. You will often find it on the list of items you need to carry out dark rituals often using the help of demonic sources.
Devils Dreck you may have heard of under a different name. This is called spirit cooking. This includes the use of blood, semen, breast milk and when dead body parts can be obtained those too are used. I know a guy in Pa that can get you just about anything you want, body parts included. Anything you need is closer to home then you think and so are your children...
Why do you think some of these rituals and sick sources of magic are used? What would make someone do these types of things? The main goal now is a chemical called Adrenochrome. This is produced by only one thing, sacrificed children. There is a website online where you buy tokens twice a year in order to bid on the blood of sacrificed children. This website services clients all over the world. This is a real website and while I won't give it out I'm sure if you look hard enough you can find it.
The bottom line is the world is upside down where abnormal is now normal and normal is considered deranged. If that is how it has to be I will stay deranged!
What is not good but maybe a silver lining in the evil is that whatever is made using these insidious methods can also be used for good. The problem is that good people never get a hold of them, until now.
All of these pieces are made to employee power to those who shouldn't have it. They use it for political reasons, Hillary and her suicides, child sex trafficking, and child sex rituals. I mean even if you are pro-choice when have you ever heard of what is going on with PP? What about shouting your abortion? I mean really? Are people that sick in the head?
Whoopi Shitstain said that maybe we should build a wall around Trump so he knows how it feels. I say how about we behead you so you know how that feels? I mean it is all the same right? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? I guess everyone must be believed now no matter what? I'm telling you it is all part of the darkness that is closing in on us. Many won't wake up until it is way to late. By the time some of you wake up your male children will think they are female at best and at worst maybe a tree? Your female children will grow beards and identify as lizards. Hell, anything goes now and nothing is disturbing to the already gone who have wastelands for brains. The newest way to win an argument is to yell racist, or just make shit up because you must be believed. Glitter balls is my example!
Let me tell you about this piece. This piece is all real Amethyst and glass design at the bottom which means life. The glass at the bottom is in a color to represent the flowing of blood. Sick I know but still it is what it is. This piece took part in the ancient and evil rituals. What is good is that these are never in good hands but now it can be. All the evil it can do including mind control, political control and wealth now can be in your hands. These of course are rare and I could get more but in all honesty its hard for me to keep my mouth shut long enough to get more.