Wizard's Ring With Ancient Compound Magic
Wizard's Ring With Ancient Compound Magic
Wizard's Ring With Ancient Compound Magic

Wizard's Ring With Ancient Compound Magic

Regular price $ 158.49
This piece was given to us by one of our customers who choose to remain nameless. I have no idea why they want to remain nameless. They did nothing wrong. I suppose it's because sometimes we have crazies stalk us on Facebook and Instagram and he didn't want the same fate befalling him should his name get out there. I don't know. Either way, he's been a customer of ours since startup and has been purchasing our most powerful pieces and he said that one of the pieces that we sold him allowed him to astral travel to the Parisian Catacombs, which if I'm being honest isn't such a bad idea. It's like one wrong move and you're getting lost down there. Then you starve and probably die unless somebody comes along to save you. Either way, it's just not pleasant, but traveling astrally guarantees you the ability of a safe return.

Either way, this piece holds the powers of an ancient wizard. He's kind of a hermit because he has taken to the underground catacombs as his place to live. The reason that he gave "Bob" is that the catacombs hold such energy that he will never run. There is so many dead buried there that the whole place acts as a giant battery that stores magic. In thinking about this, it really does make more sense now, why the French would have complete the catacombs. It was most likely for the purpose of storing this magic so that way the nobility that gathered there (such as the Rothschild family) would never run out. Think about it, they throw these massive shindigs. That's not the point, though.

The point is that this ancient wizard has taken to the catacombs and has been able to not only amplify his own magic too but create dozens upon dozens of new types of magic over the years. In more recent years he has compounded all of his magic into one ring. This is the ring that we are offering you, which is the ring that "Bob" got while he was astrally traveling to the catacombs. This ring holds very ancient, very powerful compound magic. There are dozens of powers and abilities that have been compounding into this magical ring that you can access when you wear it. I'm not going to list every single power that this piece will give you, because that would be way too much to write. However, I will list a few that I can remember using myself when testing this piece. Celestial magic, Death Magic including the ability to raise souls, sanguine vampire abilities, generation magic, coding magic and sacred geometry, spell casting, certain granting abilities, original African Voodoo (Yoruba), etc. Again, there are more than this but it would take way to long to type them all out. The best way to learn the magic of a piece is by actually using it.

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