Xuanwu Casting Locket
Regular price
$ 76.99
some of you who have been with us for a while will remember Adita. She was taking personal time off for a project that she was working on, but she is back and in full swing. She actually just gave us this piece the other day. It comes from the Temple of Secrets in Hong Kong. Now I know that Hong Kong isn't technically part of China, but as far as the customs and culture, you would be hard pressed to find a difference when visiting. As such, the worship most of the same deities. One of these deities is named Xuanwu. He is the ancient deity that holds the ability to control and grant magic. Access to this deity and the magic that he has to offer comes through some of the same means as the Voodoo magic of the West. Bizarre rituals and animal sacrifices are quite common. Blood rituals in the name of Xuanwu are also pretty common, especially at the Temple of Secrets, which serves as a secret school of enlightenment for Hong Kongers who wish to expand their magical horizons. His magic is extremely powerful and can pretty much be used to create any of magic that you want.
This locket is a casting piece. It holds casting magic that is typical of what you would usually see on a Voodoo locket. This piece allows you to cast spells upon people simply by having a personal effect of theirs to be able to do the casting. It does this using the ancient powers of Xuanwu, who is called upon when for his power when you use this piece. All you need to do is place a personal effect into the locket and the meditate with this piece, concentrating on the power you choose to cast. This can be spells for money, love, wealth, fame, good health, fortune, luck, etc.
You can use this piece to either cast things upon other people of your choice, such as when using a love spell, or casting things upon yourself when casting wealth and luck
This locket is a casting piece. It holds casting magic that is typical of what you would usually see on a Voodoo locket. This piece allows you to cast spells upon people simply by having a personal effect of theirs to be able to do the casting. It does this using the ancient powers of Xuanwu, who is called upon when for his power when you use this piece. All you need to do is place a personal effect into the locket and the meditate with this piece, concentrating on the power you choose to cast. This can be spells for money, love, wealth, fame, good health, fortune, luck, etc.
You can use this piece to either cast things upon other people of your choice, such as when using a love spell, or casting things upon yourself when casting wealth and luck